Site Security and Privacy Policy

Site Security and Privacy Policy

Reflecting our continuing commitment to both information security and privacy, this site uses industry standard information security and privacy measures. These include administrative, technical, and physical measures employed within our own business operations, and measures employed within the operations of our business partners (such as our web site hosting firm and our fulfillment house). These measures for example include the use of encryption to protect credit card numbers while they are in transit over the Internet. This site does not collect IP addresses, monitor movement through the web site, use tracking pixels, or place a cookie on the user’s machine, except to complete a transaction, and/or to anonymously fine-tune the site’s design.

Otherwise, personal information is only collected from users, to be able to respond to inquiries, and/or in order to be able fulfill book orders. Personal information is limited to the information necessary to answer an inquiry and/or to fulfill a book order. The personal information collected by this site is not rented, sold, traded, or otherwise exchanged with any third parties (unless such a release is required by law). We will promptly remove your personal information from our database if you make a request to that effect. Similarly, we will supply you with all the information that we have about you, provided that you have first sufficiently validated your identity.